General Config
Plugin prefix (pluginPrefix
):Set the prefix that will be used in console
Allow only one Gem (allowOnlyOneGem
):If set to true, only allow one gem per person
Can drop gems (canDropGems
):If set to true, gems cannot be dropped by players.
Give a gem on the first logon (giveGemOnFirstLogin
):If set to false, gems will not be given to players when they first log in.
Allow gem upgrading (canUpgradeGems
):If set to false, gems will not be able to be upgraded.
Allow gem crafting (canCraftGems
):If set to false, new gems cannot be crafted.
Keep gems on death (keepGemsOnDeath
):If set to false, gems will drop on player death.
Gives gems descriptions (gemsHaveDescriptions
):If set to true, it will give new gems the description shown on the plugin page.
Allow fire gem to destroy blocks (explosionDamageAllowed
):If set to false, destructive abilities will be less destructivg.
Prevent gem power tampering. (preventGemPowerTampering
):If set to true, gem abilities which can be interacted with (ex. a fireball) will not be able to be interacted with (ex. deflecting a fireball).
Do gem decay (doGemDecay
):If set to true, gems will "decay" when the player dies (subtract 1 level), and they will stop decaying at level 1 unless doDecayOnLevel1
is set to true
Gem Decay on level 1 (doDecayOnLevel1
):If set to true, while doGemDecay
is set to true, gems will not stop decaying at level 1; if gems decay at level 1, they will get destroyed.
Dragon Egg Halves cooldown (dragonEggHalfCooldown
):As mentioned on the page The Gems and Their ablities, when the player has a dragon egg in their inventory, it halves their gem ability cooldown. If this is set to false, then the dragon egg will no longer halve the cooldown.
Randomized Colors (randomizedColors
):If set to true, the plugin will be much more Colorful! The gems will spawn in random colors, making each Gem unique!
Cooldown Boost Per Level (cooldownBoostPerLevelInSeconds
):The time to remove from each ability's cooldown per level.
Delay to use gems (delayToUseGemsOnJoin
):Delay in seconds to wait to use gems when a player logs in.
Gem Creation Attempts (gemCreationAttempts
):The number of attempts the plugins will make to avoid doubles before giving up, lower this if you are having lag on gem creation.
Blocked Replacing Blocks (blockedReplacingBlocks
):The blocks which abilities may not overwrite.
Allow Moving Gems (allowMovingGems
):Currently not implemented. Raccomended to keep to false.
Allow moving gems between containers (chests, etc.)
Allow metrics (allowMetrics
):If true, sends anonymus usage statistics to help make the plugin better.
(The stats are in no way tracable to the server or the players)
Run updater (runUpdater
):If true, runs the plugin updater, sending admins a message if an update is found
Max gem level (maxGemLevel
):Maximium gem level achievable through upgrades.
Allow cosmetic particle effects (allowCosmeticParticleEffects
):If true, particles related to the gems they have will start appearing close to the players
Cosmetic particle effect interval (cosmeticParticleEffectInterval
):Define the amount of time (in ticks) between each particle spawn.
Lower this if your players have performance problems.
Last updated